So, what exactly am I telling you?
So, what exactly am I telling you?
IVF Is Your Only Option.
It's NOT! I have proven that. I healed my own fallopian tubes naturally, and so have many other women that I have helped!
It's definitely possible, and dare I say,
not as difficult as you might assume.
But maybe you're skeptical. Understandable.
I'm asking you to think outside of the box here.
But first, let's talk about your doctor's "solution," IVF. The first problem with IVF is it’s highly expensive and most insurance companies do not cover it. The second problem with IVF is it’s NOT guaranteed to work! And, on average, it can take three cycles before you are successful! And still...NOT guaranteed. Now, take the initial cost of IVF ($12,400 average), plus IVF meds ($3,000 average), times THREE!
The cost is astronomical. There’s no need to put that number in black and white here. You get the point.
And all of the risks associated with IVF are just scary!
But First, Ask Yourself This Question...How Ready Are You To Be Pregnant?Not really ready. A)Extremely ready! I'm ready to commit to this system and do whatever is necessary to heal myself and have this baby! Please tell me exactly what to do!C)Somewhat ready. I just want some basic information.Beyond ready! I'm willing to listen and do exactly what it takes. I don't want to waste any more precious time and money. I need guidance and support.I want this baby already!B)D)If you answered C or D, then this system is for you! Order Now Because of the healing techniques in this system,many of the women in the Facebook groupUnblock Blocked Fallopian Tubes - Natural Healing, have already successfully unblocked their fallopian tubes naturally, and are now either pregnant or working on getting pregnant.My only question is...Order NowWhat Is The Fallopian Tube Formula?
The Fallopian Tube Formula is a powerful, whole-body, holistic healing system. It is comprised of a comprehensive textbook and workbook, with key elements that put you in super healing mode, as well as three therapeutic DVDs.
The Fallopian Tube Formula Textbook
This comprehensive textbook includes an education on the causes of blocked fallopian tubes and the various types of blockage (from minor to severe), the myths associated with blocked fallopian tubes, and the proven system to naturally heal and unblock them.
The Fallopian Tube Formula Workbook
The Workbook will keep you accountable and on track with daily charts, calendars, specific exercises, and sample schedules. Also included is a complete supplementation breakdown and guideline (what to take, when to take it, how much to take, how often, what combines with it, what must be taken separately, etc).
The Game-Changer:
Fallopian Tube Formula Phases
The Fallopian Tube Formula consists of two powerful phases designed to get you to your complete healing as quickly as possible. Phase one is the incredible, uniquely developed, intense healing protocol focused solely on repairing your body and your fallopian tubes. Phase twois designed to follow up and complete the healing of phase one, while now also helping you to conceive.
Phase OneIntense Focused HealingPhase TwoHealing While TTC
The Fallopian Tube Formula
Fertility Massage DVD
This Fertility Massage DVD is nothing like any other massage video you've ever seen. This course focuses on breaking up adhesions and helping to heal even the most severe fallopian tube blockage, while also addressing the uterus positioning, ovarian health, and digestive system.
The Fallopian Tube Formula
Fertility Qi Gong DVD
This Fertility Qi Gong DVD uses ancient Chinese medicine techniques to bring flowing energy (qi) back into your body to break through any blockages and stagnation, and release negative energy that may be hindering your healing process. This is an awesome adjunct to your physical therapies and supplement plan. This could be the missing link! Don't miss out on the powerful benefits of Fertility Qi Gong. Also included is a brief introduction to Qi Gong and it's many health benefits.
The Fallopian Tube Formula
Fertility Visualization DVD
This Fertility Visualization DVD incorporates the very foundation of intense, focused healing. Get your mind right and the baby will follow! We have to adjust our thinking to a positive mindset that invites and allows new creation within us. This DVD includes three extraordinary healing visualizations and a bonus Mind Movie to really grab your imagination and make your thoughts your REALITY.
Remember, what you focus on expands!
The Fallopian Tube Formula Forum
Another valuable component is the private member Fallopian Tube Formula Forum. Exclusive members gather here to learn from each other, as well as learn straight from the author. This is your follow-up support along your healing journey. Here is where you will get the scoop! Your specific questions are answered, and VIP tips are given. This element of the Fallopian Tube Formula alone is worth hundreds of dollars in membership fees per year.
Order Now
Don't put your miracle off another day!
Get started with this super healing system today!
Disclaimer: No part of this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. Nothing on this site is to be construed as medical advice; the authors are not doctors. Please discuss your personal health, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal, qualified health practitioner before making changes to your diet or adjusting/discontinuing any medication. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site.
But First, Ask Yourself This Question...How Ready Are You To Be Pregnant?
Not really ready.
Somewhat ready. I just want some basic information.
Extremely ready! I'm ready to commit to this system and do whatever is necessary to heal myself and have this baby! Please tell me exactly what to do!
Beyond ready! I'm willing to listen and do exactly what it takes. I don't want to waste any more precious time and money. I need guidance and support.I want this baby already!